The Cottage Garden Store

Along with my love for children and Waldorf education I also love retail—it’s true! I love selling the craft items I make and the products I love, which I think will support our philosophy. The Cottage Garden Store is housed in our Hoosier Cabinet on the porch and is also an online entity.

I will be making group orders from the retailers mentioned below at different times during the year. I will have order forms available soon. Please be in touch if you would like more information, and feel free to invite friends!
You can get more information from each of their sites by clicking the link on this or the Resource page.

I also have an Etsy Shop where I sell my felted crafts: CottageGardenFibers .
Special orders and/or workshops are always welcome. A new website: and a shop has been added to our Facebook, Cottage Garden Waldorf Day Care Page.

Danish Woolen Delights
Uriel Pharmacy
Dr. Hauschka Skin Care

Please contact ME if you would like to be added to my customer list for any of these products. I offer a 20%-30% discount if you order through me.